Become a volunteer on the S 25 course

29. March 2023

No S 25 Berlin without volunteers! We are looking for support on the track on May 14, 2023!

Our routes lead through the streets of Berlin. This requires road closures and route guidance so that participants can run their race unhindered. When blocking off intersections, the police are assisted by route marshals.
In this position you make sure that pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers do not obstruct the runners and give passers-by information about the event. At unclear points on the course you will help the participants to find their way and show them the right way.

Do you want to be part of it? Then take a look at our volunteer page and register now!

This year’s special for all course marshals: The Berliner Sparkasse will provide a food backpack for each course marshal.

Aktuelle News über die Berlin läuft!-Serie und Sonderaktionen.

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