degewo Great 10K now also bookable on

degewo Great 10K now also bookable on

Wir haben eine Neuigkeit für Euch! Ab sofort könnt Ihr bei unserem Partner Sportscheck nicht nur Euer Lauf-Equipment kaufen, sondern Euch auch für den degewo Great 10K der „Berlin läuft!“-Serie anmelden. Auf findet Ihr neben dem degewo Great 10K auch...
Kaiserdamm closed – We’ll run anyway!

Kaiserdamm closed – We’ll run anyway!

The S25 will be held – as planned – on Sunday, 14 May 2023. The long-term closure of the Berlin Kaiserdamm due to damage underneath the road means that the S25 run route will have to be rerouted on a small section. Our organising team is in close contact...
S 25 Berlin Kids’ Run – SOLD OUT!

S 25 Berlin Kids’ Run – SOLD OUT!

Our mascots BERLINO and Sparky are looking forward to welcoming more children than ever before to the S 25 Berlin on 14 May.The children’s run is sold out!For organisational reasons, we are unfortunately unable to accept any further registrations for the...
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