“degewo Great 10K” – Register quickly now and save money

24. September 2023

Berlin. Fancy a quick encore? 21 days after the Berlin Marathon, the capital is once again all about running: more than 5,000 sports enthusiasts will start on Sunday, 15 October, at the “degewo Great 10K” (from 11:15 a.m.). Germany’s fastest “ten runner” will run from Charlottenburg Palace through City West and the Berlin Zoo back to the Palace. The youngest participants will run a smaller lap – for the first time, both a bambini run (800 metres, born between 2018 and 2015) and a children’s run (1500 metres, born between 2014 and 2011) will be offered. Speed is of the essence, especially when it comes to registering for the bambini and children’s run, as free starting places are slowly becoming scarce.

Speaking of which: those who register for the “degewo Great 10K” by next Saturday will save money. Then the last registration period with reduced prices ends and the late registration period begins.

Aktuelle News über die Berlin läuft!-Serie und Sonderaktionen.

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