NEW: Five kilometers! Now also “short distance” at the S 25 Berlin

24. February 2023

We have news for you! For the first time, there will also be a 5km course at the S 25 Berlin on May 14, 2023. The start will be at 9:30 am on the Olympic Square in front of the Olympic Stadium. As with all distances of the S 25 Berlin, the finish will be on the blue track in the beautiful Berlin Olympic Stadium.

The 5-km distance can be run in teams of 5 with team scoring in addition to individual scoring. So motivate your running groups, friends, team or family members and run in fives to the Berlin Olympic Stadium!

Registration for the 5km course can be done until March 15, 2023 at the early bird price:

25,00 Euro for the 5km course (single classification)
100,00 Euro for the start of a team in the 5km team classification

Click here to register!

Aktuelle News über die Berlin läuft!-Serie und Sonderaktionen.

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