Fancy a half marathon in Berlin in spring?
Then the S 25 Berlin is just right for you! Secure one of the coveted starting places now and experience Germany's oldest city run. The S 25 Berlin will take you through the heart of the capital on...
Welcome to the “Berlin läuft!” year 2025: Let’s get started together!
A new year means new opportunities, fresh motivation, and above all: the perfect chance to turn your resolutions into reality. 2025 is all about movement, community, and the shared goal of staying...
Christmas special: Register now for the “Berlinruns!” events now!
An Heiligabend und den beiden Weihnachtsfeiertagen haben wir etwas ganz Besonderes für Dich! Nutze die festliche Stimmung und melde Dich für unsere Berlin läuft!-Veranstaltung 2025 an. Egal, ob Du...
News about the Berlin läuft!-series and special promotions.
This year we are offering three workshops in the Olympic Park.
Support us in organizing our running events.
Our branded items from the different runs.