Registration period ends

28. March 2023

Only 201 days to go before the starting signal is given at Charlottenburg Palace. The degewo Great 10K should be an experience for the whole family. This year, for the first time, there will be two runs for children. The Charlottenburg Palace offers a unique backdrop for the start-finish area and our ‘Kids Zone’.

Until Friday, March 31, you have the opportunity to book the prices of the cheaper registration period of the degewo Great 10K.

Prices until the end of the registration period for the degewo Great 10K:

8,00 Euro – Bambini run (ca.800m)
8,00 Euro – Kids run (ca.1500m)
28,00 Euro – 10 km
35,00 Euro – 2×5 km relay

You save up to five Euro per registration.

Click here to register register!

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