Registration period ends
Only 201 days to go before the starting signal is given at Charlottenburg Palace. The degewo Great 10K should be an experience for the whole family. This year, for the first time, there will be two...
TRAILRUN at the VOLVO Tierparklauf 2023
On the mountain slopes of the cloud forests, small pandas climb through the branches high above the heads of the crested deer. Past Francois langurs, takins and snow leopards, the path winds ever...
SportScheck – official running partner
Look forward to lots of highlights at the SportScheck booth on the event area: In addition to a professional running shoe consultation with Footscan, the latest running shoes from top brands like...
News about the Berlin läuft!-series and special promotions.
This year we are offering three workshops in the Olympic Park.
Support us in organizing our running events.
Our branded items from the different runs.