The S 25 Berlin running shirt

The S 25 Berlin running shirt

Wir freuen uns Dir heute das S 25 Berlin Eventshirt 2024 vorstellen zu können. Sichere Dir jetzt Dein Laufshirt und spare fünf Euro. Du kannst es Dir bei der Anmeldung dazu buchen oder, wenn Du bereits angemeldet bist, im Onlineshop als Zusatzleistung kaufen. Das...
It starts in 50 days!

It starts in 50 days!

Only 50 days to go until the starting signal at the Olympic Stadium! We are expecting 10,000 participants to set off together on a sporty sightseeing tour. Would you like to be there too? Then register here now! NEW in 2024!  This year, the starting documents will be...
New! The “Berlin läuft!” stamp card!

New! The “Berlin läuft!” stamp card!

We are delighted to introduce you to a great new feature at the upcoming “Berlin läuft!” events – the “Berlin läuft!” stamp card. This campaign allows you to document your participation in all three “Berlin läuft!” events and...
Changed course for the S 25 Berlin 2024

Changed course for the S 25 Berlin 2024

Due to the time overlap with the Classic Days on Kurfürstendamm, the route for the S 25 Berlin in 2024 has been slightly adjusted. All participants will now leave Kurfürstendamm at Joachimsthaler Straße in a northerly direction. From there, the route will turn left...