New! The “Berlin läuft!” stamp card!

New! The “Berlin läuft!” stamp card!

We are delighted to introduce you to a great new feature at the upcoming “Berlin läuft!” events – the “Berlin läuft!” stamp card. This campaign allows you to document your participation in all three “Berlin läuft!” events and...
Our gift for Valentine’s Day

Our gift for Valentine’s Day

You have the opportunity to redeem a 14% discount code for the degewo Great 10K up to and including February 14 at 11:59 pm. Use the code 14LIEBE and secure your discount for the Bambini and/or children’s run, the 2x5km relay or the 10km run. Register...
“Berlin läuft!”-Advent calender

“Berlin läuft!”-Advent calender

We are pleased to announce that we are publishing an advent calendar for December on our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Every day a new, exciting door awaits you, behind which athletes, experts, recommendations and other surprises are hidden. Look...