“30-Day-Anniversary- Countdown”

9. August 2023

Autohaus Koch celebrates its 30th birthday this year! On the occasion of the anniversary, a “30-day anniversary countdown” will start from 10.08 among all participants of the VOLVO Tierparklauf. Each day you can expect great prizes such as a hotel voucher/running utensils/annual tickets, which will be raffled among all run participants.
You can find the prizes on the website in this post and on our social channels as a 24h story. At 8am we will publish the daily prize.

How can you participate?

  1. you must be registered for the VOLVO Tierparklauf 2023 at the time of entering the competition or register on the day!
  2. you have to participate daily. Either respond with an emoji to our story on Instagram or Facebook or write us an email (info@berlin-laeuft.de).
    3) We will draw the corresponding prize among the messages received per day.
  3. you can pick up your prize on the day the starting documents are handed out (September 8 at the Koch Store in Biesdorf from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) or on the days of the event (help desk in front of the entrance to Schloss Friedrichsfelde from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.). An identification document is required for the collection.

The competition is part of the VOLVO Tierparklauf. You can find the conditions of participation here.

Daily you will find the prizes in this list from 08 o’clock:2x ISTAF tickets (PK1) – mailing this week

1.2x ISTAF tickets (PK1) – mailing this week

2.1x Lichtenauer-Goodie Bag

3. 1x foto package for VOLVO Tierparklauf

4.2x free entry to the Tierpark Berlin on September 9th or 10th.

5.1x 5km-Freistartcode VOLVO Tierparklauf 2023

6.5x VOLVO lanyards




10.5x BitBits

11.1xfree start VOLVO Tierparklauf 2023 (distance selectable)

12. 5xVOLVO Sticks

13.3xmultifunctional scarf


15.free “Berlin läuft!-Workshop participation on 10/21/23

16.3x BERLINO-kids shirts (98-152)- size selectable

17.annual ticket for a small family (Tierpark Berlin)


19.2x ISTAF-bags

20.1xsport bag

21.1x medal engraving child&adult


23 1.x rainjacket size S (unisex)

24.2x Tickets for Christmas garden in Tierpark Berlin (02.12/03.12.2023)

25.2x Eventshirts for VOLVO Tierparklauf

26.10x Berlino magnete

27.3x medal engraving (VOLVO Tierparklauf 2023)

28.1x 4x ISTAF INDOOR tickets (PK4)

29.1x “Berlin läuft!”-surprise package

30.1xhotel voucher incl. test drive from Autohaus Koch

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