by redaktion | Mar 29, 2023 | Unkategorisiert
After the success of the first two “Berlin läuft!” workshops, we are happy to offer you two more workshops in preparation for the VOLVO Tierparklauf and the degewo Great 10K. The workshops are organized in cooperation with our health partner AOK Nordost...
by redaktion | Mar 18, 2023 | Unkategorisiert
On the mountain slopes of the cloud forests, small pandas climb through the branches high above the heads of the crested deer. Past Francois langurs, takins and snow leopards, the path winds ever higher through dense bamboo groves toward the tree line and finally...
by redaktion | Mar 17, 2023 | Unkategorisiert
All Tierparklauf fans can look forward to another novelty at the Tierpark: Along the newly designed giraffe enclosure in the African savannah landscape, Tierpark visitors can meet the largest mammals on earth at eye level on a wooden footbridge and at an eight-meter...
by redaktion | Feb 24, 2023 | Unkategorisiert
In cooperation with our partners HOKA and AOK Nordost, the first “Berlin läuft!” workshop took place this weekend. We would like to thank all participants who successfully completed the beginner running course. The mix of theoretical and practical...
by redaktion | Sep 24, 2022 | Unkategorisiert
What animal fun! The VOLVO Zoo Run celebrated its tenth birthday at the weekend – and more than 5,000 sports enthusiasts joined in the celebrations. They experienced exciting courses past the animals and several premieres. On the occasion of the anniversary, the...